Friday, September 5, 2008

TGIF; reflections thus far

TGIF. Well barely, but technically it is Friday. And that's a good thing, because this has been one crazy week and it is time for me to take a break. Kind of anyways.

This afternoon will be busy as I travel to Atlanta to pick Dad up from the airport. He's been fly fishing across the West with good friends and I am certain they've had a good time. Nothing beats being alone in the western wilderness, fly rod in hand, trout rising. It did snow a couple days during their trip, and I am sure that added another element of excitement for several Georgia boys used to the southern summer heat.

And Saturday brings volunteer work and an evening on the town in Athens. Sunday will be saved for resting up and finishing assignments for the following Monday. Not a whole lot of rest, but I suppose it's better than full days of classes and miles of walking, which always seems to be "up hill" here at UGA. (Fellow students, you feel my pain, quite literally sometimes.)

This week has been good all-in-all. Several A's in my classes; a Young Democrats meeting; a ugazine intro meeting. I'm making changes in my life, too, folks. As the weeks progress, you'll hear more and more how I'm becoming young again. Stay tuned!

Buenos dias/noches!

Josh Barnett
957 D


Anonymous said...

I'm excited to read all of this my friend. I tried a blog once. Hah. It failed miserably.

Joshua Trey Barnett said...


I have tried blogs again and again, but finally feel this one will pan out. Even if only a few readers visit often, it gives me a place to say what I want to say!

Stay tuned! ;)
